Sunday, May 23, 2010

Raymen's Beach Resort

nueva valencia, alubihod, guimaras, philippines

raymen beach resort is one of the more popular resorts in guimaras. it can be accessed through a 15-min boat ride from iloilo city to jordan wharf and a 45-min jeepney ride from jordan wharf or a 1hour boat ride direct from iloilo city. cottages are available. as well as rooms for an overnight stay, from 700 pesos and up. you could also go island hopping for only 400 pesos for the first hour and 100 pesos for the exceeding hour.

it's a cool and relaxing place to be in guimaras. away from the hustle and bustle days in city life! experience fresh air, white sand and beautiful water. going island hopping is refreshing, visit the pawikan sanctuary in lawis guimaras, where they breed pawikans and free them when they're big enough, went to abe maria island if you want to bathe privately and quietly early morning, and a whole lot more stuff to do. i enjoyed my pre - 19th birthday in the beach of guimaras, nothing would beat that!


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