Monday, August 12, 2013

Mantigue Island

Mantigue Island is just about 4 hectares in land size. The white powdery beach glows from afar, creating a brilliant sight as you approach Mantigue. The island is rather an experience than a sight-seeing tour. Mantigue is inhabited by 10 families, all related to each other. It is surrounded by a gleaming white beach of powdery coral sand. The clear waters reveal the hard and soft corals and sea weeds that surround the island, making it ideal for swimming., snorkeling and diving. In the center of Mantigue is a lush, green mini-forest filled with wild grasses and several trees and plants.

Discover the dense tropical coast forest in the center of the island. And if you have a bit of chance, you may see one of the Marine-Turtles nests or even the newly hatched youngsters speeding to the sea.

Be more intimate with the sea.

Rent a motorela to Mahinog PHP 150
Boat trip Mahinog-Mantigue-Mahinog PHP 500
Mask, snorkel, fins for one day PHP 50


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